When it comes to raising Other People's Money, syndication is both a science and an art. There are specific and time-proven ways to do it right, and many ways to do it wrong.
Today David Toupin, a Detroit-area investor and syndicator, will share his top-ten tips on Successful Syndication. David's company, Borland and Toupin Holdings, owns and manages a $6 Million Dollar Portfolio of 120 units, as well as single-family fix & flips.
David will discuss the tools he uses as an investor, he'll explain 'Preferred Returns' and 'Annual Returns', and why its important to make your investment opportunity as easy as possible for your investors to understand.
This is a great episode to listen to if you're interested in Syndicating Multi-Family and Apartment investments, or if you're curious about raising Other People's Money.
You can contact David through his website or facebook page:
facebook: @thedavidtoupin