Investing in Performing or Non-Performing Notes can yield incredibly lucrative results for those who know what they're doing. But if you are a beginner there will be many pitfalls and challenges you'll need to overcome in order to be successful. Back in February 2020 at the RPOA Annual Conference we held an expert panel roundtable to discuss best practices and the situations note investors should avoid. You'll enjoy hearing our expert's many stories and examples, as well as their greatest hits & losses.
Donna Bauer is a trainer and coach who has done every type of real estate transaction: buying, selling, leasing – everything having to do with real property. She’s also done every type of note deal whether it be performing, non-performing, seller-financed or anything in-between, and she will tell you that hands-down she prefers paper over property any day of the week.
Gene Chandler has 46 years of real estate investing experience and is the asset manager for Chandler & Chandler Financial, which specializes in buying one-off and large & small pools of distressed assets directly from banks, hedge funds, and private equity groups.
Kyle Zimpleman is also a note investor with a mission of helping distressed home-owners stay in their homes. Kyle is the President & CEO of Expand Capital Group and purchases distressed mortgages throughout the U.S. He’s also started a fund to help passive investors invest in this space. Kyle was a guest on episode #151.