What is it about Real Estate Investing that would cause a successful business owner in a completely different field to buy three 8-Units and a duplex and start his own Management Company?
Today we'll find out during my conversation with Matt Martyn, the Co-Owner & Co-Founder of Cobertyn Group and Ahptic Film & Digital.
Matt shares how he and his business partners acquired a duplex eight years ago and the difficulties they encountered in managing it while running a successful film production business.
Then Matt talks about their latest acquisitions, three 8-Units in the Lansing, Michigan area that they're currently rehabbing. Matt and his partners have formed a new management company and we'll be discussing the start-up challenges they've encountered so far. Matt & I also talk numbers and how they were able to acquire bank financing and negotiate their acquisition.
You can find out more about Matt & his company by visiting http://www.cobertyn.com/
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